Sometimes Good Things Fall Apart So Better Things Can Fall Together

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Been studying for Takaful for days...and now, PASSED!! Weeeee~ Happy when I see the message saying that I passed! Ngek ngek.. LOL! 

Was a lil' unhappy this morning as le manyzer got crazy and said "I don't wanna see you.. Go away.. " bla! But thank god, I passed that Takaful =P Happy! Hahahaha! Don't care now! 

And I got the letter by my tomodachi all the way from UK, again =D Thanks babe! 

Yours Truly, 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Was kinda stress for today
Didn't meet my superior requirement for today sales
Got stressed out actually

Opened the mailbox like normal days 
Just because I'm waiting for the postcard from UK =)

Right there laying in the mailbox
With my name on it

Made my day better 
Made my mood better
It reaches on time =D 

Thanks my dear friend! 

Yours Truly,

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dedicated for the BITCH

No matter what level you're at, you're still a bitch! You're trying to do shitty things to us.. Whatever shit that you did is not how a normal or good superior should do to us.. YOU'RE NOT A GOOD ONE! BITCH! I don't care! Since you're not believing in us, none of us would trust you! I know what you're good at... You're good at pretending, acting, getting a way to slip off, push the blame to other people.. YOU SUCK to the MAX! Yeah right, you always speak like you're the saints, act noble, but you're not....AT ALL.. Being in this industry, is for me to learn. I know that I should be learning everything I can.. But this is not what I want it to be. Perhaps, entering this not a good decision! F-This-Shit!

Yours Truly, 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I thought.

I'll be happy in this job
I'll be enjoying this job
I'll be having great superiors
Superiors will be helping us when we need them
Superiors will always be there 

But it's only "I THOUGHT"

It's only I effing THOUGHT! 

Working in happy environment is very important.


Just continue to hold on it, work for it, till I got confirmed! 


Good luck to myself!  

Yours Truly,
Be happy =]